Thank you for speaking at MMIX.MMNOG.2020. We appreciate the time and effort you have put in to present at our conference. Please find information below to assist you before the event.


Our speakers are active stakeholders in our industry. The main benefits of presenting at our conference is to share experiences, network with your peers, and to interact with the influential community of the Internet. We promote our speakers on our website and through our social media channels.


All speakers need to register for our conference using the registration form on this website. We will provide a complimentary registration to speakers. Once your registration is successfully completed, please email your registration invoice number to so we can waive the registration fee.


All speakers need to pay for their related accommodation, flights, insurance and other travel expenses.

We shall provide long distance travelling cost to the Speaker who meets all of the following cretia.

  • Person from Government organization or Person who is working at Non-profit organization(s) only. (not valid if s/he is working at a commercial organization).
  • Myanmar Citizen and staying in Myanmar but not in Yangon Division.


We will provide a presenter laptop at the podium so all presentation materials MUST be uploaded to our system. We do not encourage speakers to use their own laptops to avoid delays in swapping, connecting, and to broadcast live video, audio, and slides.

Product marketing content is strongly discouraged as our conference attendees are quite sensitive to keeping presentations non-commercial.

Please follow these instructions to upload your presentation to our system:

  • Preferred presentation format is 16:9
  • Suggested font is Arial and font size are 18pt for optimal visibility
  • Presentations must be uploaded 90 minutes prior to session start time. We do not encourage the use of USBs to swap files.
  • Maximum file size is 40MB. Allowed file types: pdf, ppt, pptx, odp, keynote
  • When uploading, select the correct TRACK and SESSION name from the drop-down list.
  • Always ensure to upload the latest version. Each upload is stamped with date/time so we will only use the latest version uploaded to the system.

If you have any problems uploading your presentation, please contact the Conference Team for immediate assistance.


Presentation uploads must be approved before they are added to the conference program. Please understand that there will be a slight delay between when you upload your presentation and when it appears on the program for viewing.
Please make sure you have all rights (including copyright) to reproduce the material (e.g. images) contained in the slides. Your presentation slides will be shared on the conference website in pdf format. They will also be uploaded to the conference site and social media sharing.

At the event

To assist us in running a smooth program, we would request that you avoid any delays in starting and concluding the sessions you are involved with.